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Rain before Dawn a poem by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Scott Fitzgerald F. - Poem

F. Scott Fitzgerald

The dull, faint patter in the drooping hours 
Drifts in upon my sleep and fills my hair 
With damp; the burden of the heavy air 
Is strewn upon me where my tired soul cowers, 
Shrinking like some lone queen in empty towers 
Dying. Blind with unrest I grow aware: 
The pounding of broad wings drifts down the stair 
And sates me like the heavy scent of flowers. 

I lie upon my heart. My eyes like hands 
Grip at the soggy pillow. Now the dawn 
Tears from her wetted breast the splattered blouse 
Of night; lead-eyed and moist she straggles o'er the lawn, 
Between the curtains brooding stares and stands 
Like some drenched swimmer -- Death's within the house!

Rain before Dawn - a poem by F. Scott Fitzgerald

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