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Alphabetical Index of Poems

We have featured below the most famous poems by the most celebrated Poets covering both Classic and Modern poems ensuring that your search for the online poems of your choice will be successful. Click any link to go to the section dedicated to your chosen poem.

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A Ballade of Suicide a poem by G.K.Chesterton
A Birthday a poem by Christina Rossetti
A Blue Valentine a poem by Joyce Kilmer
A Burial a poem by Ella Wheeler Wilcox
A Charge a poem by Herbert Trench
A Charm Invests a Face a poem by Emily Dickinson 
A Childs Hymn a poem by Charles Dickens
A Christmas Carol a poem by G.K. Chesterton

A Farewell to False Love poem by Sir Walter Raleigh
A Forest Hymn a poem by William Cullen Bryant
A Hunting Morning a poem by Arthur Conan Doyle
A Nocturnal Reverie a poem by Anne Finch
A Noiseless Patient Spider a poem by Walt Whitman
A Poison Tree a poem by William Blake
A Prayer for my Daughter a poem by William Butler Yeats
A Prayer for my Son a poem by William Butler Yeats
A Prayer in Time of War a poem by Alfred Noyes
A Question a poem by Robert Frost
A Red Red Rose a poem by Robert Burns
A Saints Damnation a poem by Aleister Crowley
A Song from the Suds a poem  by Louisa May Alcott
A Song of Marions Men a poem by William Cullen Bryant
A Sunset a poem by Victor Hugo
A Toast to our Native Land a poem by Robert Bridges
A Vision upon the Fairy Queen poem by Sir Walter Raleigh
Adam Posed a poem by Anne Finch
Aftermath a poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Afternoon in School - The Last Lesson a poem by D. H. Lawrence
Alexanders Feast a poem by John Dryden
America a poem by Henry van Dyke
American Flag by Joseph Rodman Drake
America's Welcome Home a poem by Henry van Dyke
Amor Intellectualis a poem by Oscar Wilde
An Epitaph a poem by Walter de la Mare
Angels from the realms of glory by James Montgomery

An Ode, On the Death of Mr. Henry Purcell a poem by John Dryden
And like a dying lady a poem by Percy Bysshe Shelley
Annabel Lee a poem by Edgar Allan Poe
Any Woman to a Soldier by Grace Ellery Channing

Apocalypse by Richard Realf

Apology a poem by Joyce Kilmer
Apples of Hesperides a poem by Amy Lowell 
Armies in the Fire poem Robert Louis Stevenson
Art thou pale for weariness a poem by Percy Bysshe Shelley
Ash Wednesday a poem by T S Eliot
Auld lang syne a poem by Robert Burns
Autumn a poem by Christopher Brennan
Azure and gold a poem by Amy Lowell 

Balade a poem by Geoffrey Chaucer
Battle Hymn of the Republic poem Julia Ward Howe
Battle of New Orleans by Thomas Dunn English
Beautiful Dreamer a poem by Stephen Foster 
Beautiful Soup poem by Lewis Carroll
Beauty a poem by John Masefield
Because She Would Ask Me Why I Loved Her a poem by Christopher Brennan
Before The Altar a poem by Amy Lowell 
Bei Hennef a poem by D.H.Lawrence
Believe Me, If All Those Endearing Young Charms a poem by Thomas Moore
Bereavement a poem by Percy Bysshe Shelley
Birches a poem by Robert Frost
Birds of Passage a poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Bivouac of the Dead by Theodore O'Hara
Black Regiment by George H. Boker
Border Ballad a poem by Sir Walter Scott
Bredon Hill a poem by A. E. Housman
Bride Song a poem by Christina Rossetti
Bright Star, Would I Were Steadfast as Thou Art a poem by John Keats 
Byzantium a poem by William Butler Yeats

Celestial Love a poem by Ralph Waldo Emerson
Channel Firing a poem by Thomas Hardy
Chicago a poem by Carl Sandburg

Christians awake salute the happy morn by John Byron

Christmas Bells by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Come live with me and be my love
a poem by Christopher Marlowe
Come slowly poem by Emily Dickinson
Coming thro' the rye a poem by Robert Burns
Contentment poem by Oliver Wendell Holmes

Daddy Fell into the Pond a poem by Alfred Noyes 
Daffodils a poem by William Wordsworth
Darkness a poem by Lord Byron
Death a poem by William Butler Yeats
Death Be Not Proud a poem by John Donne
Death is a Fisherman a poem by Benjamin Franklin
Dejection a poem by Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Desire a poem by Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Dirge for a Soldier by George H. Boker

Dover Beach a poem by Matthew Arnold
Dreamland a poem by Christina Rossetti
Dust of Snow a poem by Robert Frost

Easter 1916 a poem by William Butler Yeats
Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard a poem by Thomas Gray
Eliza Crossing the River a poem by Harriet Beecher Stowe
Eros a poem by Ralph Waldo Emerson
Excursion a poem by D.H.Lawrence

Faithless Sally Brown a poem by Thomas Hood
Farewell to the Court poem by Sir Walter Raleigh
Farewell, Love a poem by Thomas Wyatt
Father and Child a poem by William Butler Yeats
Fifteen men on the Dead Man's Chest poem Robert Louis Stevenson
Fire and Ice a poem by Robert Frost
Fire in the heavens  a poem by Christopher Brennan
Flood a poem by James Joyce
Flush My Dog a poem by Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Fog a poem by Carl Sandburg
For beauty being the best of all we know poem by Robert Bridges
Forest Hymn a poem by William Cullen Bryant
For Johnny (Do not despair) a poem by John Pudney

For whom the bell tolls a poem (No man is an island) by John Donne
Forget Not Yet a poem by Thomas Wyatt
Fragment a poem by Amy Lowell 
Free a poem by Eugene O Neill
Friends a poem by William Butler Yeats
Frost at Midnight poem by Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Full Fathom Five Thy Father Lies William Shakespeare

George Washington by James Russell Lowell
Goblin Market a poem by Christina Rossetti

God Save the Flag a poem by Oliver Wendell Holmes
Gold Leaves a poem by G.K.Chesterton
Goliath and David a poem by Robert Graves
Grandmothers story of Bunker Hill by Oliver Wendell Holmes

Great Lover a poem by Rupert Brooke
Growing Old a poem by Matthew Arnold
Gunga Din a poem by Rudyard Kipling
Gus - The Theatre Cat a poem by T S Eliot
Gypsy a poem by Carl Sandburg

HMS Foudroyant a poem by Arthur Conan Doyle
Hap a poem by Thomas Hardy
Hark the herald angels sing by Charles Wesley

Hark! The Vesper Hymn is Stealing - a poem by Thomas Moore
Heart, we will forget him poem by Emily Dickinson 
Helas a poem by Oscar Wilde
Her Voice a poem by Oscar Wilde
Hope a poem by John Keats
How Do I Love Thee? poem by Elizabeth Barrett Browning
How doth the little crocodile...poem by Lewis Carroll
How Old Brown took Harpers Ferry by Edmund Clarence Steadman

How pleasant to know Mr. Lear a poem by Edward Lear
Hudibras excerpt from the poem by Samuel Butler
Hymn to Adversity a poem by Thomas Gray

I am shut out of mine own heart a poem by Christopher Brennan
I had been hungry all the years poem by Emily Dickinson
I have a Rendezvous with Death by Alan Seeger
I have loved flowers that fade a poem by Robert Bridges
I Hear an Army a poem by James Joyce
I held a jewel poem by Emily Dickinson 
I love all beauteous things a poem by Robert Bridges
I wandered lonely as a cloud a poem by William Wordsworth
I Watched Thee a poem by Lord Byron
If a poem by Rudyard Kipling
If thou must love me, let it be for nought a poem by Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Immortality a poem by Matthew Arnold
In Flanders Fields a poem by Dr. John McCrae
In Memory a poem by Joyce Kilmer
In the Wilderness a poem by Robert Graves
Invitation a poem by Percy Bysshe Shelley
It Came Upon A Midnight Clear by Edmund Hamilton Sears

Its a Queer Time a poem by Robert Graves

Jabberwocky a poem by Lewis Carroll
Jane a poem by Percy Bysshe Shelley
Jeanie With The Light Brown Hair poem by Stephen Foster
Jerusalem a poem by William Blake
June a poem by William Cullen Bryant
The Jumblies a poem by Edward Lear

Katharine a poem by Robert Louis Stevenson
Kill your Balm a Poem by Emily Dickinson
Kubla Khan a poem by Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Killers a poem by Carl Sandburg
Kin a poem by Carl Sandburg

La Belle Dame Sans Merci a poem by John Keats
Leda and the Swan a poem by William Butler Yeats
Lepanto a poem by G.K.Chesterton
Letter from Town: On a Grey Morning in March a poem by D.H.Lawrence
Life in a Love a poem by Robert Browning 
Life a poem by Sir Walter Raleigh
Lighthouse a poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey a poem by William Wordsworth
Lines Composed in a Wood on a Windy Day a poem by Anne Bronte
The Listeners a poem by Walter de la Mare
Little Dogs Day a poem by Rupert Brooke
Lochinvar a poem by Sir Walter Scott
London 1802 a poem by William Wordsworth
London a poem by William Blake
Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock a poem by T S Eliot
Love - what is love a poem by Robert Louis Stevenson
Love a poem by Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Love and Friendship a poem by Emily Bronte
Lucys Song a poem by Charles Dickens
Lullaby a poem by William Butler Yeats

Macavity - The Mystery Cat a poem by T S Eliot
Madonna of the Evening Flowers a poem by Amy Lowell 
Main Street a poem by Joyce Kilmer
Marmion a poem by Sir Walter Scott

Marriage Morning a poem Alfred, Lord Tennyson 
Master a poem by Arthur Conan Doyle
Meditations in time of Civil War a poem by William Butler Yeats
Meeting at Night a poem by Robert Browning 
Memorial Verses a poem by Matthew Arnold
Mending Wall a poem by Robert Frost
Merciles Beaute a poem by Geoffrey Chaucer
Molly Maguire at Monmouth by William Collins

Morning at the window a poem by T S Eliot
Music in Camp by John Thompson

Music, when soft voices die a poem by Percy Bysshe Shelley
Mutation a poem by William Cullen Bryant
My delight and thy delight poem by Robert Bridges
My Galley Charged with Forgetfulness poem - Thomas Wyatt
My Last Duchess a poem by Robert Browning
My Lute, Awake a poem by Thomas Wyatt
My River a poem by Emily Dickinson 
Nathan Hale by Francis Miles Finch
Nativity a poem by John Donne

New Years Eve a poem by D.H.Lawrence

Nightingales a poem by Robert Bridges
Nightpiece a poem by James Joyce
No Coward Soul Is Mine a poem by Emily Bronte
Nocturne a poem by Eugene O Neill
Nothing Gold can Stay a poem by Robert Frost

O Captain My Captain a poem by Walt Whitman
O Death Rock Me Asleep a poem by Anne Boleyn
O Nightingale a poem by John Milton
Ode On A Grecian Urn a poem by John Keats
Ode on Solitude a poem by Alexander Pope
Ode on the Spring a poem by Thomas Gray
Ode To A Nightingale a poem by John Keats
Ode to Apollo poem by William Cowper 
Ode To Beauty a poem by Ralph Waldo Emerson
Ode to Stephen Dowling Bots a poem by Mark Twain
Ode To The West Wind a poem by Percy Bysshe Shelley

Oh Never More a poem by Percy Bysshe Shelley
Oh Susana! a poem by Stephen Foster 
Oh, Thy Bright Eyes Must Answer Now a poem by Emily Bronte
Old Continentals by Guy McMaster

Old Dog Tray a poem by Stephen Foster
Old Ironsides a poem by Oliver Wendell Holmes
Old Lang Syne a poem by Robert Burns

On Being Asked for a War Poem by William Butler Yeats
On May Morning a poem by John Milton
Once by the Ocean a poem by Robert Frost
Once in Royal Davids City by C.F. Alexander

On Monsieurs Departure a poem by Queen Elizabeth I
On the Freedom of the Press a poem by Benjamin Franklin
On the Idle Hill of Summer a poem by A. E. Housman
On Time a poem by John Milton
Opal a poem by Amy Lowell
Our Little Ghost a poem by Louisa May Alcott
Owl and the Pussy Cat a poem by Edward Lear
Ozymandias a poem by Percy Bysshe Shelley

Paradise Lost a poem by John Milton
Passage to India a poem by Walt Whitman
Patterns a poem by Amy Lowell
Paul Reveres Ride a poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Peace a poem by Rupert Brooke

Petals a poem by Amy Lowell
Piano a poem by D.H.Lawrence
Pindaric Ode a poem by Thomas Gray
Pobble Who Has No Toes a poem by Edward Lear
Poem 22 (I gave myself to him) a poem by Emily Dickinson 
Poem 348 (Robin) by Emily Dickinson
Poppies a poem by Carl Sandburg
Porphyria's Lover a poem by Robert Browning
Praised Be Diana's Fair and Harmless Light poem by Sir Walter Raleigh
Princeton -The Last Day a poem by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Quite Empty Quite at Rest a Poem by Emily Dickinson
Question a poem by Percy Bysshe Shelley
Quangle Wangles Hat a poem by Edward Lear
Question a poem by Robert Frost
Quoodle a poem by G.K.Chesterton

Rain before Dawn a poem by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Recessional a poem by Rudyard Kipling

Remember a poem by Christina Rossetti

Remembrance a poem by Emily Bronte
Retrospect a poem by Rupert Brooke ---
Rime of the Ancient Mariner a poem by Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Robert Browning a poem by Henry van Dyke
Rosabelle a poem by Sir Walter Scott
Rose of all the World a poem by D.H.Lawrence
Rover a poem by Sir Walter Scott
Ruth a poem by Thomas Hood

Safety a poem by Rupert Brooke
Sailing to Byzantium a Poem by William Butler Yeats
Sestina Of The Tramp a Royal poem by Rudyard Kipling
She Comes Not When Noon is on the Roses a poem by Herbert Trench
She is Far from the Land poem by Thomas Moore
She Walks In Beauty like the Night a poem by Lord Byron
Shelley a poem by Henry van Dyke
Silent Night a poem by Joseph Mohr

Simples a poem by James Joyce
Sleep a poem by Sir Philip Sydney
Sleep a poem by Walter de la Mare
So, we'll go no more a roving poem by Lord Byron
Something Left Undone a poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Song of Marions Men a poem by William Cullen Bryant
Song of Myself a poem by Walt Whitman
Song of Poplars a poem by Aldous Huxley
Song of the Shirt a poem by Thomas Hood
Song of the Soldiers by Charles G. Halpine
Sonnet 002 poem by William Shakespeare When forty winters shall besiege thy brow
Sonnet 018 Shall I compare thee to a summer's day - a poem by William Shakespeare
Sonnet 029 When in disgrace - a poem by William Shakespeare 
Sonnet 055 Not marble nor the gilded monuments - a poem by William Shakespeare 
Sonnet 109 O never say that I was false of heart - a poem by William Shakespeare
Sonnet 116  Let me not to the marriage of true minds - a poem by William Shakespeare 
Sonnet 126 O thou, my lovely boy - a poem by William Shakespeare
Sonnet 130 My Mistress eyes - poem by William Shakespeare 
Sonnet 133 Beshrew that heart - a poem by William Shakespeare
Sonnet 137 Thou blind fool love - a poem by William Shakespeare
Sonnet 142 Love is my sin - a poem by William Shakespeare
Sonnet 147 My love is as a fever - a poem by William Shakespeare

Sonnet To Chillon a poem by Lord Byron
Sonnets from the Portuguese - 14 a poem by Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Sonnets from the Portuguese - 43 a poem by Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Sound and Sense a poem by Alexander Pope
Squire Nortons Song a poem by Charles Dickens
Star Spangled Banner by Francis Scott Key
Stars poem - Emily Bronte 
Stellas Birthday a poem by Jonathan Swift
Sweeney among the Nightingales a poem by T S Eliot
Sweet silence after bells - a poem by Christopher Brennan

Tact a poem by Ralph Waldo Emerson
Tears, Idle Tears a poem by Alfred, Lord Tennyson
The Altar of Artemis a poem by Aleister Crowley
The American Flag by Joseph Rodman Drake

The Angel a poem by William Blake
The Apology a poem by Anne Finch
The Arbour a poem by Anne Bronte
The Arctic Lover a poem by William Cullen Bryant
The Ballad Of Reading Gaol a poem by Oscar Wilde
The Bard - Pindaric Ode a poem by Thomas Gray
The Barrel Organ a poem by Alfred Noyes
The Battle of Lexington by Sidney Lanier

The Battle of New Orleans by Thomas Dunn English

The Bivouac of the Dead by Theodore O'Hara

The Black Regiment by George H. Boker

The Blue and the Gray by Frances Miles Finch

The Canterbury Tales poem by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Captive a poem by Ella Wheeler Wilcox
The Cask of Amontillado a poem by Edgar Allan Poe
The Chambered Nautilus poem by Oliver Wendell Holmes
The Charge of the Light Brigade a poem by Alfred Lord Tennyson
The Chilterns a poem by Rupert Brooke
The Chimney Sweeper a poem by William Blake
The City in the Sea a poem by Edgar Allan Poe
The Cow in Apple Time a poem by Robert Frost
The Crocus a poem by Harriet Beecher Stowe
The Cumberland a poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The Darkling Thrush a poem by Thomas Hardy
The Deacons Masterpiece a poem by Oliver Wendell Holmes
The Dead a poem by Rupert Brooke
The Depths a poem by Ella Wheeler Wilcox
The Donkey a poem by G.K.Chesterton
The Doubt of Future Foes a poem by Queen Elizabeth I
The Dream Town Show a poem by Ella Wheeler Wilcox
The Dying Christian To His Soul a poem by Alexander Pope
The Elephant in the Moon a poem by Samuel Butler
The Eve of St. Agnes a poem by John Keats
The Evening Darkens Over a poem by Robert Bridges
The Fire of Drift-Wood a poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The Flatting-Mill a poem by William Cowper 
The Flea a poem by John Donne
The Flowers a poem by Robert Louis Stevenson
The Future Life a poem by William Cullen Bryant
The Genesis of Butterflies a poem by Victor Hugo
The Great Lover a poem by Rupert Brooke
The Highwayman a poem by Alfred Noyes 
The House with Nobody in it a poem by Joyce Kilmer
The Indifferent a poem by John Donne
The Invitation a poem by Percy Bysshe Shelley
The Ivy Green a poem by Charles Dickens
The Jumblies a poem by Edward Lear
The Lady of Shallot a poem by Alfred Lord Tennyson
The Lady of Shalott a poem by Alfred Lord Tennyson
The Lake of the Dismal Swamp poem by Thomas Moore
The Lamb a poem by William Blake
The Last Leaf a poem by Oliver Wendell Holmes
The Lay of the Golden Goose a poem by Louisa May Alcott
The Leveller a poem by Robert Graves
The Lighthouse a poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The Listeners a poem by Walter de la Mare

The Little Dogs Day a poem by Rupert Brooke
The Lotos-Eaters a poem by Alfred, Lord Tennyson
The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock a poem by T S Eliot
The Love Unfeigned poem by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Man he Killed a poem by Thomas Hardy
The Murdered Traveller a poem by William Cullen Bryant
The Night Is Darkening Round Me  Poem by Emily Bronte 
The Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd poem by Sir Walter Raleigh
The Old Continentals by Guy McMaster

The Old Gumbie Cat a poem by T S Eliot
The Owl and the Pussy Cat a poem by Edward Lear
The Park a poem by Ralph Waldo Emerson
The Passionate Shepherd to His Love a poem by Christopher Marlowe
The Picket Guard by Ethel Lynn Beers

The Pied Piper Of Hamelin a poem by Robert Browning
The Pobble Who Has No Toes a poem by Edward Lear
The Presence of Love a poem by Samuel Taylor Coleridge 
The Progress of Poesy - Pindaric Ode a poem by Thomas Gray
The Proud Poet a poem by Joyce Kilmer
The Psalm Of Life a poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The Quangle Wangles Hat a poem by Edward Lear
The Question a poem by Percy Bysshe Shelley
The Rape of the Lock Canto 1 poem by Alexander Pope
The Raven a poem by Edgar Allan Poe
The Reaper And The Flowers a poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The Recruit a poem by A. E. Housman
The Road not Taken a poem by Robert Frost
The Rock and the Bubble poem Louisa May Alcott
The Ruin a poem by Walter de la Mare
The Ruined Maid a poem by Thomas Hardy
The Second Coming a poem by William Butler Yeats
The Seekers a poem by John Masefield
The Sick Rose a poem by William Blake
The Soldier a poem by Rupert Brooke
The Song of Hiawatha a poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The Song of Quoodle a poem by G.K.Chesterton
The Song of the Oak a poem by G.K.Chesterton

The Song of the Soldiers by Charles G. Halpine

The Song of the Wreck a poem by Charles Dickens
The Spider and the Fly poem by Mary Howitt
The Star Spangled Banner by Francis Scott Key

The Sun Rising a poem by John Donne
The Tables Turned a poem by William Wordsworth
The Tell Tale Heart a poem by Edgar Allan Poe
The Three Kings by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

The Tiger a poem by William Blake
The Time I've Lost poem by Thomas Moore
The Tyger a poem by William Blake
The Undertaking a poem by John Donne
The Unknown Soldier by Angela Morgan

The Voice a poem by Thomas Hardy
The Walrus and the Carpenter a poem by Lewis Carroll
The Wants of Man a poem by John Quincy Adams
The Wild Duck a poem by John Masefield
The Winter Nosegay a poem by William Cowper
The Wood a poem by Charlotte Bronte
The Worlds Need a poem by Ella Wheeler Wilcox
The Wreck of the Hesperus a poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The Yellow Gas a poem by Christopher Brennan
The Zeroes taught us Phosphorous a Poem by Emily Dickinson
They Flee from Me a poem by Thomas Wyatt
Ticonderoga a poem by V.B. Wilson

Tilly a poem by James Joyce
Time Long Past a poem by Percy Bysshe Shelley
Toast to our Native Land a poem by Robert Bridges
To A Friend a poem by Matthew Arnold
To A Husband a poem by Anne Finch
To a Louse a poem by Robert Burns
To a Mouse a poem by Robert Burns
To a Waterfowl a poem by William Cullen Bryant
To a Young Lady a poem by William Cowper 
To Autumn a poem by John Keats
To Flush My Dog a poem by Elizabeth Barrett Browning
To Hope a poem by John Keats
To Jane a poem by Percy Bysshe Shelley
To Marguerite a poem by Matthew Arnold
To My Wife a poem by Oscar Wilde
To the Memory of Mr. Oldham poem by John Dryden
To The RAF a poem by Alfred Noyes 
To The Sun-Dial a poem by John Quincy Adams
Tortoise Shout a poem by D.H.Lawrence
Twas the Night before Christmas Poem by Clement Moore

Two Fusiliers a poem by Robert Graves
Ulysses a poem by Alfred Lord Tennyson
Unfathomable Sea a poem by Percy Bysshe Shelley
Unknown Soldier by Angela Morgan
Unlike We Are, Unlike, Oh Princely Heart poem by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Uphill a poem by Christina Rossetti

Upon a Dying Lady a Poem by William Butler Yeats
Upon a Lilac Sea a Poem by Emily Dickinson
Upon The Circumcision a poem by John Milton

Venetian Glass a poem by Amy Lowell 
Venus and Adonis a poem by William Shakespeare
Vision upon the Fairy Queen poem by Sir Walter Raleigh
Voices at the Window a poem by Sir Philip Sydney
Voice a poem by Thomas Hardy

Wedlock a poem by Benjamin Franklin
What if I say a poem by Emily Dickinson

When I am dead a poem by Christina Rossetti
When I consider how my light is spent a poem by John Milton
When We Two Parted a poem by Lord Byron
When You Are Old a poem by William Butler Yeats
Where Shall The Lover Rest a poem by Sir Walter Scott
While Shepherds Watched by Nathan Tate

Who Ever Loved, That Loved Not at First Sight? a poem by Christopher Marlowe
Wild Little Bird a poem by Amy Lowell 
Wine and Water a poem by G.K.Chesterton
Woman's Constancy a poem by John Donne
XIV Sonnet from the Portuguese a poem by Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Xanado - Kubla Khan a poem by Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Yanks a poem by James Foley
You are old, father William poem by Lewis Carroll
Yellow Gas a poem by Christopher Brennan
Yesterday is History a Poem by Emily Dickinson

You'll love me yet and I can tarry a poem by Robert Browning
Youth and Age a poem by Samuel Coleridge

Zeroes taught us Phosphorous a Poem by Emily Dickinson


The poems listed on this page details the full titles of the poems and their poets. Clicking on your chosen poems will enable access to the lyrics / words of the poems. The list is clearly not exhaustive but it is believed that a good cross section of popular poems and their poets have been included. 'Poetry Online' is solely for educational purposes and any reproduction of the poems contained on this web site is not to be "used for any purpose other than private study, scholarship, or research.". Please refer to our Copyright page and our Privacy Statement regarding Terms of Use. Publishing Poetry or Self Publishing Poetry. Learning about writing poetry and reading the poetry of famous poets are the first steps to publishing poetry or self publishing poetry. Check out our Writing Poetry section for help and information regarding publishing poetry, publishing a poetry book or even online poetry publishing and a list of poetry publishing companies. 

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